Awareness Through the Body (ATB)

Awareness Through the Body
A way to enhance concentration, relaxation and self-knowledge in children and adults.
Published by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research – Auroville – India.
Second edition is available now at:
Also, with Julian Lines and in digital format at the Kindle store
Awareness Through the Body in Kindergarten
First steps towards cultivating attention, relaxation and self-awareness.
Published by Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research
Available now at:

Aloka & Joan: Founders of ATB

ATB has been created and implemented in Auroville schools since 1992, by Aloka Marti and Joan Sala, based on their personal experience following the spiritual path of integral yoga of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, and the idea of integral education.
Over the years, they have adapted, added to and incorporated knowledge acquired from Hatha Yoga, Dance, Taoism, Martial Arts, Physiotherapy, Breathing Therapies, Relaxation Techniques and Somatics, among others, into a coherent, sequential curriculum.
Read more:
Amir Azoulay: Certified ATB Trainer

Amir was born in Israel in 1969. He left Israel in 2000 with his wife at the time, Tamar, on a journey to India, leaving behind a well-established business of 7 years. After three years of exploring diverse disciplines that aimed at expanding consciousness, they joined the International township of Auroville in South India, where the years of research into a deeper, more integral approach to education gave birth to the Awareness Through the Body Program in Auroville schools.
During the​ following​ years, Amir trained as an ATB facilitator under the guidance of the founders of this approach, Aloka and Joan.
Since then, he has focused on practicing ATB, teaching ATB to children in Auroville schools, and offering adult workshops.
Today, Amir focuses on comprehensively reaching out with this discipline in India, Israel, and North America.
He says: "ATB is a tool that aspires to facilitate a process of inner growth, to allow a chain of changes to unfold and manifest for a better life, and a better planet."
Auroville: The City of Dawn

Auroville is a universal township where men and women of all countries aspire to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics, and all nationalities.
The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity – in diversity. Auroville is recognized as the first and only internationally endorsed (by UNESCO) ongoing experiment in human unity, consciousness and transformation. It is also concerned with - and practically researching - sustainable living and the future cultural, environmental, social, and spiritual needs of humanity.
Explore more about Auroville here: