Awareness Through the Body
with Amir

Awareness Through the Body (ATB) was born and developed in Auroville, a community dedicated to the ideal of human unity through the practice of integral yoga. Integral yoga is, in essence, an inner psychology work towards becoming conscious of one's perceptions and abilities, in order to better self-direct one's life and find inner balance.
ATB is a program that strengthens one's ability to sustain conscious attention to what one is experiencing, in every moment. The practice aims to help individuals develop their capacity for concentration, as well as relaxation.
The activities are creative, and often fun. . Some of them are unique while others are inspired on a wide variety of disciplines including: Dance, Hatha yoga, Taoism, Martial Arts, Physiotherapy, Somatic, Shiatsu, Relaxation Techniques, and Breathing Therapies. All the activities nurture self-awareness.
The practice of ATB provides a space for cultivating introspection, and becoming aware of the different planes that form the being.
”… first unify the different parts of your own being.” – Sri Aurobindo
Different workshops are customized for different age groups, levels, and objectives.
For more information: connect@atbwithamir.com.

ATB workshops are for people interested in personal growth.
They offer a safe space to explore the awareness of being aware, a space where all doing can stop, and one can reconnect to a deeper and truer sense of Self.

Basic Modules
ATB1, Basic Tools, ATB2, and ATB3 are interrelated workshops that complement each other. With these intensives, one develops the basis of ATB. They offer a broad base with which one can start practicing and integrating Awareness Through the Body in one’s work and life. To go deeper into the work and fully integrate ATB, it is necessary to continue with the Advanced Module workshops.
Advanced Modules
ATB4 and ATB5 are both four day workshops that build on the information acquired in the Basic Modules workshops.
* For information on Advanced Modules head over to ATB's main website.

— Misha Leder
Software Engineer, Google, New York.
ATB Workshop in Woodstock, NY July 2019.
“I appreciated the ATB course for different reasons, including Amir's attentive guidance. Some of the important takeaways for me in the ATB course were to become aware of my judgments. I noticed how I divided experiences into good/bad and how I don't have to. The training enabled me to feel more open, aligned, and relaxed. Sensing my thoughts and feelings in my body, allowed me to step out of the narrative I create and simply focus on the experience itself.
Moreover, to be kind to myself, understanding that I don't need to fix things, I can just be! I looked forward to each session."

— Sandy Wells
ATB Workshop Coordinator Toronto, Canada.
"Being able to share ATB within North America is a pleasure and honor for me. For those of us who have experienced it, ATB has opened paths of personal, collective, and spiritual awareness that we continue to travel on, paths that unfold as we are walking, in real-time, every moment. It is the practice of simply "being", without judgement or expectation.
Together, we intend to promote experiments in teaching and practicing ATB in North America with the aim of bringing into being a community of practice around ATB that can continue to expand and deepen. With love!

— Heidi Watts
Ph.D, USA.
Educator and Director of a flourishing Teacher Training Exchange Program between Antioch University, New England and Auroville for over 19 years.
“ATB is a complete curriculum with two books to describe it. Children at Transition School and the Kindergarten have been having classes in ATB once or twice a week since 1992. ATB is being taught at Udavi and Aikiyam school, too. Aikiyam is even building an ATB hall so that it’s possible to work with more children. I think that in all the Auroville and Outreach schools, ATB is finding a place for itself in the curriculum with good results."